Saturday, December 10, 2011

Welcome to the Madness...

Welcome to The Madness, Gang.

OK, not Madness, maybe, but hopefully this thing‘ll keep you interested for a bit. First an obvious Statement

The Internet’s just cool…OK, that’s probably one of the most obvious comments on record. But it just IS…especially if you’re old enough to remember when there was no Internet , and ‘Computers’ were things using punch cards that screwed your dad's credit card bill up monthly, inspiring language that was not a good influence on your vocabulary. This, BTW, was also back when credit cards were made of cardboard and had a metal plate embossed with the card number affixed to them. Yeah...I'm THAT old, lol

One thing The Web has done is potentially making boredom a thing of the past. Throw just about any term, word, or name into Good Ol’ Google or one of it’s many siblings and cousins and you come up with pages of sites that will tell you just about anything you want to know about the search term and some things you may NOT want to know. ( I personally could have done without knowing the details of the primary ingredients of hotdogs and Vienna sausages.) . There are lots And Lots. And LOTS. OF facts, both major and trivial to peruse about everything from well known, well documented incidents and events to more obscure happenings and less well known but still interesting...maybe even more interesting... trivial facts.

First, I love history...always have, always will. And I really love discovering new facts about...well...anything.

And I love trivia. I live and breathe trivia. I like knowing WHY the CSS Virginia was heading out the morning she encountered a well known Cheese box on a raft AKA The Monitor, and made history. Or the story behind the almost perfectly preserved Luftwaffe fighter that sat in the woods for 40 years before being discovered and restored. Or all of the little, intricate, little known factoids about incidents and events that themselves are well known. I’ve spent hours drinking coffee or that Southern Tradition, Sweet Tea and perusing the web to find such factoids. I’ve found thousands. Heck, I've run up on enough factoids and infobits to keep this blog going for a long, LONG time!

And Ya Know What? I haven’t even made a visible scratch on the surface.

So that’s what this Blog’s dedicated to. Little (And occasionally not so little) facts about…well anything and everything. From Military history, to transportation to famous (And not so famous) disasters to You Name It and there will be interesting trivia about it somewhere somewhere if you just dig deeply enough.

There’ll even be a few ‘I Heard This, wonder if it IS true’ type mysteries thrown in.

So I hope everyone enjoys it. And maybe finds something useful. And learns a little something. I know I plan to enjoy making the thing!


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